25/10/2021 | Andrew Tracey
Andrew Tracey is a long time collaborator with Bulldog Gear. A coach, writer and current fitness editor of Men’s Health Magazine, he has been in and around the fitness industry for the past 16 years. Having enjoyed and endured a number of disciplines from endurance racing, to strongman, to Crossfit AT enjoys getting neck deep in the practice just as much as the theory. 

Atlas balls are more than just a novel odd object or fad training style that you may dip into occasionally to add to your muscle-building repertoire. The heavy, awkward nature of these functional fire balls builds the type of real world strength that carries over to life outside of the gym.

With no ergonomic handles, no carefully crafted knurling and a constantly shifting centre of mass; no two reps are ever truly the same- just like real life.

Whether your gym has a collection that you’re keen to take advantage of, or you’re looking for an excuse to roll your own out of retirement- we’ve got 10 moves that you need to add to your arsenal.


With the ball on the floor between the midline of your feet, hinge down and roll it from side to side, working your hands underneath to grip it on both sides. Keeping your back straight, shoulders blades back and chest up, drive through your legs to stand tall. Reverse the movement to the floor under control and repeat.



With the ball between your feet, bend down and roll it side to side, working your hands underneath. Keeping your back straight and parallel to the ground, pull the ball up and into your stomach, pause here for a one count before lowering back to the ground. Repeat.



With the ball on the floor between your feet, hinge down to grip it in both hands, keeping your back straight. Hug the ball, lift it to your chest, then sit down resting it on your thighs. Now Stand up explosively and simultaneously thrust the ball up onto your shoulder. Ensure you’ve secured the ball atop your shoulder by taking the opposite hand away. Lower to the floor and repeat, alternating shoulders each rep.



With the ball between your feet, bend down and roll it side to side, working your hands underneath. Keeping your back straight. Lift the ball from the floor and rest it on your thighs. Now, stand up explosively and use the momentum to roll the ball over one shoulder. Alternate shoulders each rep.



Lift a ball from between your feet into your lap before rolling it up to chest height. Take a deep breath, bend at the knees with some help from your legs, press the ball directly overhead. Lower to your chest, then the ground and repeat.



Lay flat on the ground with bent knees and roll a heavy ball up onto your chest. Keeping your arms at forty-five degree angle from your body, press the ball directly overhead until your arms are locked out. Lower the ball back to your chest under control and repeat.



Lay on the ground with your ball to one side of your body. Turn onto your side to face the ball, wrap your arms around it and roll onto your back, with the ball on your chest. Keeping the ball high on your chest, sit-up. Twist your hips stepping one leg forward and standing up into a lunge position, before bringing the opposite leg up to fully standing. Reverse the movement back to the ground and repeat, leading with the opposite leg.



Drop onto all fours, lifting your knees from the ground, with a d-ball in front of you. Push the ball away with one hand, then crawl forward to close the gap, before pushing it again with the opposite arm. Keep your knees from the floor and hips low throughout.



Drop onto all fours, lifting your knees from the ground with a d-ball in front of you. Roll the ball backwards, under your chest, then crawl backwards, before rolling it again with the opposite arm. Keep your knees from the floor and hips low throughout.



Lift the ball into your lap and ‘hug’ the bag as tightly as possible before standing upright, the ball should be covering your chest. Squat down until the crease of your hip passes your knee return to standing explosively, maintain an upright posture and tight squeeze on the ball throughout.

November 25, 2021 — Marketing Bulldog